Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This is our first post so I thought what better to talk about than preparing for missions. We are so excited to see what God is doing in our lives.. I am one of those impatient Christians who want God to give me a piece of paper with everything he wants me to do written on it. I am sure that most of you can relate? I love to look back and see how God has used every good and bad situation, to mold us and prepare us for today and what he wants for our lives. There has never been a time in my life that I feel more in adequate to do something.. When God confirmed in our hearts exactly what he wanted and that it was time.. I was on fire and ready to go. As we started preparing and getting everything together, it seemed to get harder and harder. Not that I wasn’t excited, but just a little scared. Well, a lot scared!! And the devil knows exactly what to do to kick you down on the ground. Man has he tried the past few weeks! I love how God will just put a certain person to come by and give you a hug or just say that I am praying for you exactly when you need it.
I honestly had no idea what all needed to be done to prepare to raise our support in churches. Thankfully the churches that we have been to so far have been what I call “home” churches. They all know that we were still in the process of getting everything together. Finally, after weeks of getting information together, our prayer cards are being printed, the website is up (still not 100% done, but it’s up), letterheads are done, the blog is on the right path, and the presentation board is almost done. Still so much to do, but we’re headed the right way, hopefully.